Now playing: Blood Root by MF DOOM

Welcome to my blog!

Just a collection of random thoughts and stories. I also include updates here!

~Two Updates in One Week?~

I completly changed the style of the site lol. I decided that I wanted to go for more of a vapor wave/early 2000's emo kind of vibe for the site instead of the girly ghibli one I had before. Still lots of stuff i need to go around and change like some of the images but it will all be changed soon. Please be patient with any bugs or errors that you see, they are being fixed as you read this. I also added some blinkies and stamps. Feel free to right click and add them to your own site! -10/13/22

~First Update Log!~

Okay, so I probably should have done one of these sooner but it kinda slipped my mind so here we are. I added images instead of a bulleted list in the movie/tv/music/book/etc recs area and I am planning on adding a games section too! I also added some site buttons to the "other sites" page with plans to add non-neocities sites at a later date. Not a huge update but its been a while since I added to this site so I thought I would share. Hope yall are having a great day! -10/12/22

~I love coding~

I know you might be saying "Lily, you coded a website why do you finally love it?", but hang with me for a quick sec. I used to dread coding in my robotics class, to the point where I would hate the thought of even stepping foot inside of the class. It was definitly not a fun time. But over the summer I started working on this website and c++ coding, and I found a new love for this. I dont know this is just so much more fun now. I dont know what made me change my mind but i love love love it now. I honestly love the robotics class now and am considering taking ap compsci next year. This is such a stupid thing to add to my blog but I feel the need to share it and its my blog so who cares. I hope you all are having a great day!! - 9/27/22

~New Song from Pierce the Veil???~

Okay, so I meant to write about this earlier but I kind of forgot and time is flying by with my new job and starting school and all that jazz. But Pierce the Veil finally realeased a new song! I'm so happy I've been waiting for this moment for 6 years. Little 7th grade me would be so happy that something was finally released. Its called "Pass the Nirvana" and honestly I really like it. Sure, it is definitly differant from their old music style, but I still really enjoy the song. What did you all think about the song? Did you like this one or was it more of a dissapointment? Let me know in the guest book! - 9/6/22

~First week of school is finally done!!!~

Hey there! This week was the first week of school for me. I am so exited to a junior but also a little nervous. I don't feel like a junior yet. I kind of feel like this is sophmore year pt. 2. Its a weird feeling and I hope it passes with time. My classes are okay this year. (side note: why does saying ok seem more mean/meh than saying okay? Idk). They are not very intersting but I like the people in the class a lot. I am with many of my friends and there is not one class I have alone. I like having band and pc repair first period, it definitly wakes me up. Robotics is fun. I like having the same people in my class each year for high school. My classmates in that class are super cool. History, English, and Bio are less fun and more boring but they are okay I guess. Im not sure what this new year will bring but I hope it brings something good! -9/2/22

~First Post:~

Hey everyone! My name is Tigerlily and I hope you enjoy scrolling through this website. I started this website to get better at coding and I am so exited to improve and add onto this website over the years. I am 16 and a Junior in high school and I love marching band. Marching band is the one thing that really gets me exited for back to school season. Without marching band school would seem so much more terrifing to be honest. That might sound cringy but its true. At least its true for me. I hope you can find something useful, relatable, fun, or entertaining on this site. If you have any song/movie recs, thoughts, or just something you want to say leave it in the guestbook.

Well thats it for now! Hope to see you again kind stranger. -8/18/22