Feeling a little lost? Heres a Map!

I know the site layout is a little all over the place, and some pages are not easy to find. So heres a little guide to help you.

Sites on the Navbar

Home: The home page, featureing a to-do list, links to other sites, and a gifypet.

About: a little about me and about the site section

Collection: A page for all of my little collections. Leads to my web collection and physical collection directeries.

Blog: Leads to the directory page for my blog pages.

Tv/Book/Music Recs: My favorite pieces of media that I recomend to everyone

Other Cool Websites to explore: Both neocities and non-neocities sites that I find really interesting

Videos: Leads to the directory of my favorite videos.

Guestbook: A page with my guestbook linked to it.

Directories linked to the Navbar

Collection: leads to Web collection, and physical collection pages.
Web collection: Graphics, Blinkies, Stamps, and Buttons
Physical Collection: VHS & DVD's, CD's & Cassettes (work in progress), and Robots.

Blog: leads to the blog directory page, where you can find Music Entries, Other life Entries, Quotes, and Site updates/to-do list

Videos:Leads to a directory that has video categories for Band Kid stuff, DCI, WGI, BOA, All things weird, The funny, and Fandom Stuff

Other Pages

Sitemap: where you are now

Web Garden: A little e garden filled with cool neocities websites

Shrines: Filled with shrines. Includes Sketch, Sick Sad World, and Bonzi Buddy.

Now playing: Sugar Star Planetarium