Hey there! Welcome to the directory of insanty.
This is my journal. I don't write that much in here, but I hope you enjoy reading it anyways. Below is a little description of each segment of the journal.
Home: The page you are viewing right now!
Band/Music/Practice Entries: Basically just band kid things. Practice logs, music thoughts, etc are all kept here. Prepare to read the entries of a band kid going slowly insane.
Other life entries: Anything and everything that doesn't fall into any of the other categories fall here. Not much resides here as of now though.
Quotes: All my favorite quotes from funny to sad to stupid, all are here.
Site updates/To-do list: I put major and sometimes minor site updates here when I remeber to. Most times I do not remeber to write in here, so the timeline of the websites building is a little off.